Humic acid and its origin
Organic matter ,humic substance,humic acid ,humate and fulvic acid are closely related,all are come from the natural process of decaying plants and animals body.Organic matter is defined that all the organic substance in the soil with Hydrocarbonated base(containing hydrogen, carbon and oxygen).Humic substance is pure substance from process of humification with stronger Cation Exchange Capacity than clay.Humic acids is the fraction of humic substance that is not soluble in acidic condition and soluble in higher PH solution with high molecular weight.Humate is humic acid salt is completely soluble in water extracted from humic acid after treating with high PH alkaline agentlike NAOH,KOH.Fulvic acid is defined as lower molecular weight soluble in both acidic and alkaline condition.
All of them are soil food and storage of mineral and water.For example,most dark color soil is much more fertile than light color soil,like most northeast part of China,they have a lot of dark color soil and most local peasant call it black soil.As black soil are from decaying plants mostly is humic substance has strong cation exchange capacity,easy to hold minerals and water.
Humic acid and its source
Mostly the raw material of humic acid is leonardite and oxidized lignite.Also in some place like Russian is extracted from peat.